Between June 3rd and 6th, the “Terrestrial Analogues for Solar System studies” workshop is held, organized by the Hellenic Space Center with the support of the European Geosciences Union (EGU), the Europlanet Society, and of the Municipality of Milos.
The workshop will be a meeting point for planetary scientists from around the world, including students and early career scientists, in a location of great relevance for planetary geologic topics – the island of Milos in Greece. This region has experienced young volcanism and tectonism (Mars, Venus, Pluto), has undergone atmospheric shaping of volcanic deposits, and carving into yardangs (Mars, Titan, Venus, Pluto), and has current hydrothermal and fumarolic activity (Venus, Io, exoplanets).
The workshop will include lectures, scientific discussions and field exercises, focusing on the analysis and observation of the geology and paleogeographic evolution of the island. Recognizing the necessity of supporting early career scientists, the conference offers financial support to 14 students/ early career scientists.