Educational activity of the HSC at the 5th Primary School of Salamina

The Hellenic Space Center accepted an invitation by the 5th Primary School of Salamina, to carry out educational activities on Space Technology and Exploration. 
On Tuesday, June 6, students learned about the basic states of a virtual Mars exploration missions, and performed an exercise including building a robotic rover, conducting an experiment with soil samples, and launching a rocket.  
The purpose of the HSC’s educational activity was to bring children in contact with space technologies, satellite technology, spaceship structure, space exploration, etc.  
The HSC team consisted of: 

  • Moutsouroufi Konstantina (HSC President Secretariat and Governing Board Secretariat, Science Communication) 
  • Mylonas Dimitris (HSC Scientific Personnel, Space Systems)  
  • Nasi Afroditi (HSC Communications Office) 
  • Panagiotopoulos Anastasios (HSC Scientific Personnel, GNSS Applications) 
  • Farmakakis Tryfon (HSC Scientific Personnel, Space Systems) 

The HSC would like to thank the School Director, Ms. A. Boutsi, and the teacher Ms. A.-P. Fratti for the invitation and hospitality.